Soul Brand

Does your brand match your essence?

If your brand makes your unique energy visible and allows your essence to find coherent expression, you have so much more than a design that suits you. 

Then you have the most powerful foundation for your soul business to grow with ease – because your brand speaks to your kindred spirits on an intuitive level, becoming a magical magnet for those who seek you the most.

Welcome to an intensive for mystic entrepreneurs and creators, whose work is an emanation of their soul, to explore and refine how your current brand reflects the magic of your essence and mission

So much power lies in putting your cards on the table, and truly allowing the essence of your vision, your mission and your soul to be seen.

Based on the branding of your website and your social media presence I will analyse how well your current look and feel communicates your true essence and your mission

I will point you to any hidden potential and will show you where your brand has room to grow. I will make you aware of any obstacles that might prevent you from reaching your kindred spirits, we will work on clearing any energetic hindrances, and you’ll walk away with clear and actionable steps forward, to a brand that is truly aligned with your soulful mission, and with who you really are.


Book here

“I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You described me in an indescribable depth, better than people who have known me for years. This touched me so much because it is precisely the words that I always lack to describe my work. Your feedback on my social media channels and my website also gave me an unprecedented clarity, through which I can now present myself to the world with my full strength. I am really inspired by your sensitive way of recognising me as a person and then linking this insight with my external impact. You have satisfied the longing to finally feel recognised for who I am at my core! Thank you for the new lightness and joy that I have gained."

Melanie Böing from dein schönstes sein

“I am totally flashed and deeply touched. I feel so seen in my essence and in my work. You put exactly that into words what I haven't been able to say yet. Your words make my innermost visible. Wow. And you really make me curious about myself. I feel like “gold”, being seen with my mission like this. It's exactly what I want to communicate. I am so moved and thank you so much.”

Andrea Wirth from

“Working with Klara was so insightful! She is such a wonderful and enthusiastic individual, it is hard not to capture her excitement when you're in session with her. She was immediately able to pick up on where I was out of alignment with who I am and how I present myself. It was so helpful for me for her to validate what I was already feeling and help me understand the in-congruency. She brought a lot of information into my awareness that helped me find clarity and direction in order to move my business forward. I cannot thank her enough!”

Angie Mendieta-Sweet from Enlighten Alchemy

Book here

€ 550

A customised guidebook of reflective questions and actionable steps for you to take your brand further with clarity and confidence.


An inspiring collection of soulful questions to explore your essence and the vision you hold for your business.

The Brand Alignment journal

Intuitive guidance & soul-brand alignment intensive with Klara (75-90 minutes), refining and unveiling the integrity of your brand expression.


What you will receive

Please make an informed choice before you purchase. Once you have sent me your filled-in journal and I have started analysing your brand, refunds are no longer possible.

Please refer to The Weaver’s Kinship’s Privacy Policy, Legal Disclosure and general Cancellation Policy before you sign up.


You will receive your PDF journal to fill in in your own time. Once you are done, I will analyse your answers, and take a look at your Human Design and Gene Keys charts. Then we meet for a video call to discuss all findings and explore how you can fully align your brand with your essence. After our call you’ll receive further refinement prompts and steps for taking action.

How does it work?

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