Soul Codes.

Receive a message from your Soul.

Gift yourself the spark of inspirational fire through a custom-created Soul Code – packages of soulful goodness, intuitive wisdom and cosmic codings that elevate your consciousness and support your mission on Earth.

Throughout our lives we are met with a vast amount of interactions and encounters that hold keys for our unfolding journey. Many of these codes are transmitted through sound, language and voice, others come to us in the form of visual cues – be it in nature, art or in through activating light language symbology.

Custom made

Way back, the Witch would dance around her cauldron, weaving spells of healing and transformation, letting her age-old wisdom and divine intuition fuel her creations...

The channeled codes I offer help you to activate aspects of your blueprint, acting as keys of remembrance for your vessel, ready to be downloaded into your awareness once more. 

You can use these codes as reminders or as guideposts returning you to your soul path again and again. 

Let me craft a Soul Code Carrier unique to your soul, to light up the New and transform the Old, for you to be inspired and activated as you reach for the stars. 

Get yours

Get yours

The Soul Code package can be purchased for € 111

The purchase takes place via CopeCart. Please send me your intention via email to

I ask you to allow for 5-7 working days for me to complete your order.

All products are delivered digitally. Refunds are not available due to the nature of this product.

The Nitty-gritty

Prices and Delivery

Commissioned soul code carriers are intuitively created through soul-to-soul connection. 

I invite you to share an intention, question or prayer with me upon ordering your individual carrier, for me to include in the creation. This could be something like support with integrating a new aspect of self, or letting go of an old identity, or fully embracing your essence. 

Let your imagination roam free and follow your intuitive nudges!

How the Process works

The Creation

In a world where mystery is being replaced by evidence, birthday presents are picked from Amazon wish lists and sales pages blow up every detail of an offer to convince you it’s worth it, I have decided to re-introduce a little magic – by leaving you in the unknown of what exactly you will receive when you order a package. 

So you can marvel in the delicious state of anticipation and wonder, gifting yourself the joy and sparkle of a true surprise.

Let only so much be said: you will receive a digital package containing channeled messages in written and visual form, always including an intuitively designed light-code for you to use for any purpose you desire.

A Package of goodness

The Activation

Channeled to respond to your intention. The ways you can bring yours to live are plentiful! You can…

…print it and use it to activate a space
…turn it into a logo for your business or a project
…wear it as a tattoo
…implement it as a personal power symbol into any creative project

Symbols for soul

The Light Code

Get a glimpse into the creation process and what you will receive:

How it Works

Please refer to The Weaver’s Kinship’s Privacy Policy, Legal Disclosure and Cancellation Policy before you purchase.

“ I wanted to thank you for this gorgeous Soul Code. The images are just lovely and speak to me about water, pleasure, body and rooted spirituality. And the accompanying words are very reassuring of settling more into myself and exhaling a little more, I can think of nothing better!

I have the codes saved as my phone screen saver so I see them very regularly and look forward to incorporating them in other ways."



“The soul code activation that I received from Klara was absolutely beautiful. Instead of trying to explain all of the beautiful things contained within, I think it is best just to say that it gave my soul exactly what I feel like it needed. I am very grateful for the peace and courage it has already provided my soul and love that I can continue working with it going forward. Klara is a beautiful human being and I highly recommend working with her!”


“A strong sign for Klara’s magical intuition is the fact, that I reopened the document she sent me over a month later and the message in it rang stronger than before in my heart. I felt truly seen, by my own preconception and the key words I gave her, and her way of crafting journal questions and a card pull with her insights along with it. A little something can go a long way.”


“Thank you so much for sending this gorgeous document through - it was like a soothing balm for the soul. It felt like a gentle hug from the Universe. So thank you again!”


“Thank you most kindly! I truly appreciate that you took the time to write such eloquent and touching words. I will hold onto this forever!”
