You have a dream. And it’s big.

You can sense the potential of yourself, and of the future of our species – despite the heartache, despite the darkness we witness across the globe. Deep inside, you hold hope.

Yet the spark of your dream and vision might not fit into the constructs of your culture, your upbringing, your outward circumstances. It might not be understood, not even by the ones closest to you, so you keep it safe in your heart – but really you long for it to be witnessed.

You long for the spark to become a roaring fire of potential, and you long for a community that helps you fan the flames as you build your dream into reality.

This is what we do. This is what we’re here for. To see you, fully. To hear you, completely. To be the souls who believe in your dream as much as you do.

A collective for threshold keepers & wisdom weavers of the new time | € 55 / Month

Mystic Living.

Become a mystic for future

In this container we will take the stigma out of mysticism, spirituality and otherness, learn new tools for living a poetic life, normalise your “weird” interests and wild visions for the future of Earth and support each other on the magical, adventurous journey of being a mystic in volatile times.

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What awaits inside

The study hall

The Collective

Self-study for the Quiet Folk .

The Initiation – a 6 week journey to (re-)connect you to your inner mystic

The Daily Practice – mystic living goodness to keep your soul connection alive

The Adventures – themed, monthly self-learning transmissions to nourish your mystic mind

✷ A continually growing Resource Library, including guided meditations, mystic card spreads, contemplation prompts, recommendations and more

Community for the Connection Seekers.

✷ The Mystic Circles of Life – themed, bi-monthly gatherings where we weave new realities by the power of our words (60-90 min)

Circle 1: Death – alchemising grief, the letting go, the farewell: what we desire to transform, compost.

Circle 2: Birth – weaving the dream, the vision, the seeking: what we desire to bring into the world.

✷ Telegram community for continuous connection

Cross-Pollination – present your work, project, or vision on our platform so we can all benefit from each other’s magic

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€ 55 / Month



A new era has begun

And this era is yours. 

A mystic at heart and a visionary by soul. One who dares to dream beyond the status quo. 

The quiet rebels, the alchemists, the luminaries and paradigm shifters are rising once more — the time when mystics live hidden in the forests, sharing their magic only with the few who know of their secret existence, has passed. 

You are the one who is changing the world from the inside out. The mystical weaver whose work echoes through the subtle realms, shaping and forming the future of how we exist, as individuals, and as a species. 

This work isn't easy. And being a modern mystic can be lonely. Not being able to talk to your family and friends about your mystic explorations or big, magical dreams, and not having an outlet for your mystic soul and mind can feel outright suffocating.

That’s why Mystic Living is here to be your companion on the way. A place where you can find answers to life’s most intriguing transcendental questions, peek behind the curtain and uncover the mystical aspects of life that no one talks about, go beyond the rational mind and satisfy your hunger for magic, and rest in the gentle embrace of a community of like-minded souls who truly get you and share your dream of a future worth living for.

Join us

I felt alone on my mystic path for quite a while. I had many questions and ideas but struggled to find the right people and spaces to explore them. I'd been following Klara's work for some time, and when she launched Mystic Living, I was especially intrigued by the community aspect. As soon as I joined the first call, I knew I'd made the right decision. Klara's pure, clear, kind, and genuine passion is evident in each conversation and experience she curates. She allows us to explore in an accepting, safe, wise, and oh so nourishing manner. We can fearlessly, yet very gently, delve into challenging, nuanced, and delicate topics like our relationship with time and mystic money. Each conversation leaves my soul feeling nourished. Thank you, Klara, for bringing this pure container to life! I'm excited to meet other mystics the pure vibration of this container will attract in the future.

Cassie – Berlin, germany

Personally, I'm very careful with especially this type of exploration, what kind of groups to join and what kind of people to have this kind of deep conversations with, for various reasons.

 And Klara, with you, even from the very beginning, I noticed this Purity that is not compromising and it just is, because it is, and that is what draws me to this space, that quality. I think this container is basically a manifestation of that Purity. This energy of wanting to create something so beautiful for the future, and to me that's it, that is the future.

Cassie – Berlin, Germany

What you did in creating this space, for me, is a step into, or IS, your embodiment of Integrity.

 This is really new land. It really is an expression of decades, I would say, of searching, and pain, and not knowing how to resolve it and not knowing how to be in the world in an integrous way, and not letting go of your wish and to participate, and to contribute to this world.

 And this never giving up, and searching for an expression – that is integre. For me it's fulfilled in what you brought into the world now.

Ann – Staufen, Germany

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Seeing the bigger picture of your mission and feeling into your impact on the world.

Your magic for future

Part IV

Letting life unfold through you and committing to your soul mission.

Becoming a cauldron of creation

Part V

Connecting to the power of being different and finding evidence for its magic.

Loving your otherness

Part VI

Finding again what is truly meaningful to you and moving into the soul-first approach.

REturn to what really matters

Part III

Tapping into the mystery and into the potential of the unseen.

Re-ignite your mystic mind

Part II

Reconnecting to your spirit, sensing the vast potential of you.

The hymn of your soul

Part I

Get a glimpse into how your journey will begin:

The Initiation.

The Adventures

What to expect

We meet in circle, to see, and to weave. Exploring the most pressing questions and themes that modern mystics come up against, day after day. Letting your story come to life, and your vision become concrete in the exchange with those who get you. Here's what we do:

Mystic Circle Work – giving you space to let your full, mystic self run free

Energy Work – working on healing and vision-building through the power of guided journeys and transformational energy processes

Self-learning Transmissions – words from my soul to yours in monthly themed explorations

Join us

We’re a small, international bunch of threshold keepers and visionaries, with backgrounds reaching from design to therapy. We’re multidimensional souls with big dreams for the future of this planet, eager to bridge the gap between mystic dreaming and profound action. 

I am curious about the current members of the collective – can you tell me Who I will meet inside?

Absolutely. The Initiation journey will most likely be more of a reminder than new to you, but it will be an awesome opportunity to get re-attuned to the foundations. Our mystic circles explore questions that are relevant for mystics at all levels, and we appreciate the insights of advanced souls deeply. I am not one for superficial work, so you can expect to dive deep, and be sure that your mystic mind will find great value, joy and pleasure in our adventures.

I’ve been on the mystic path for a while, have studied a lot and am advanced in the field – will I still get value?

Are you curious? Open to explore more, and go deeper? Then you’re in the right place! You don’t need to be wildly experienced in the mystic arts to find your place here. The Initiation journey will gently guide you into the space and open up new doors for you. If you encounter concepts that are new to you, your questions are more than welcome. We are a friendly, small bunch of mystics who will be honoured to be part of your mystic adventure.

I don't have much experience in mystic work and am pretty new to this realm – is this for me?

Your questions answered:

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I used to think that I was a naive dreamer, and a crazy utopian for holding on to a vision of being human on Earth that is in service of life, in communion with the Earth herself, and in deep relationship and co-pollination with all beings of this planet. I stumbled into the New Age scene, promises of “love and light” all around – but it felt hollow to me. To turn a blind eye to the darkness and struggles while preaching about awakening was just another way of wearing blinders to what I felt really mattered. 

I had lost my footing in the rationalised, atheist culture I grew up in, but couldn’t root into mainstream spirituality either – I was lost between worlds, it seemed, seeking a grounded approach that would not cause more division, but rather new ways of understanding, connection and true, heart-felt building of something new. Something that feels organic to the times of transition we are in, and that opens up space for boundless exploration, genuine openness and a non-judgemental room for feeling our way into a better future.

I moved through many containers, memberships, courses, and communities, and picked up glimpses of the space I was dreaming of – yet nothing quite hit the spot of what I was seeking. Realising how the red thread of envisioning a place like this has been present since I was a kid, it became crystal clear that I am meant to create this space.

What called me to creating Mystic Living

Why me?

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You can cancel on a monthly basis – stay however long you wish. Due to the nature of this product, refunds outside the monthly cancellation option are not possible.

Please refer to The Weaver’s Kinship’s Privacy Policy, Legal Disclosure and general Cancellation Policy before you sign up.


You will be granted access to the Mystic Living platform after signing up. There you will find all content and details on how to join the community. Call times will be announced in the group, replays will be available for 7 days after each call. 

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